AMPED Podcast

Ascend and the AMPED Podcast teams have joined forces to provide customers of Ascend with an additional hours of continuing education credits. Tune into the AMPED podcast on any podcast streaming service or on the Ascend platform. After you finish the episode login to Air Methods Ascend and take a brief quiz about the episode to claim continuing education credit

Ascend and the AMPED Podcast

Featured Podcasts.

AMPED- Episode 19: Under Pressure
1.0 Hour of Advanced CE Credit
Sometimes the solution seems like it should be simple: Just stop the bleeding. But what happens when the injury is the internal jugular vein and the usual interventions either won't work, will cause other damage, or are simply impractical? The AMPED team discusses this case with unique and perplexing challenges, and how they ultimately overcame them
AMPED- Episode 18: The Cost of Experience
1.0 Hour of Advanced CE Credit
First responders see the unique, the unusual, the horrifying and the heartbreaking on a regular basis. On some calls, all the breaks go your way. On other calls, anything that can go wrong, will go wrong. That's the cost of experience. On this episode of AMPED, our team discusses an accident involving a rock crusher in a quarry with complex, interlocking problems, and unusual circumstances that led to lessons hard-earned.
AMPED- Episode 17: Methadon't Do That
1.0 Hour of Advanced CE Credit
What do you do when you receive a patient who is in critical cardiac condition after being in jail? Did they already have a heart disease that is getting worse? Or was it something they took? Or was it a prescribed medicine that they couldn't take? Regardless, it can be a struggle to find an answer. At this point you better know your basics to keep the patient alive
AMPED- Episode 10: Burns
1.0 Hour of Advanced CE Credit
Severely burned patients are a clinical challenge from many angles. In this month's episode, we examine and discuss how the patient care challenge is compounded in this transport by the remoteness of the request and the limited local resources.
AMPED- Episode 14: You Save One Life, You Save The World Entire
1.0 Hour of Advanced CE Credit
When a tornado strikes and causes a mass casualty incident (MCI), how does the team integrate itself into a larger team of first responders doing a variety of different jobs? How does the team arrive on scene when flight is impossible? And upon successfully saving one life, how does the team reconcile that success with the multiple other lives lost? These questions and a harrowing story await in this edition of the podcast
AMPED- Episode 13: Back to Basics: Learning on our training
.75 Hours of Advanced CE Credit
Pediatric airway management is always a stressful procedure, particularly during transport when the risk of dislodgement increases. That fear of dislodging the airway can quickly change from securing the device to a "rat’s nest" of methods. In this episode the AMPED team dive into a case where that unfolds at the wrong time.
AMPED- Episode 15: Caring for the Caregiver
1.0 Hour of Advanced CE Credit
First responders and clinicians often see things that are unimaginable to the average person as a part of their jobs. Yes, this is the nature of the work, but first responders and clinicians are human, and sometimes what they see affects them deeply. First responders have a 2.5x increased risk of suicide compared to other jobs. How do we help our colleagues handle trauma? How do we care for our caregivers.
AMPED- Episode 16: Stroke a Cord
.75 Hour of Advanced CE Credit
Did you misread that title? Maybe you did and maybe you didn't. Emergency medicine requires our professionals to work from limited information and rely on instincts and assessment to diagnose and treat a patient. This usually leads our team down the right path, but sometimes leads them astray and takes them down the wrong clinical pathway for a patient.